onsdag 25 juni 2014

Anita Hillestad

Anita Hillestad

Multi talented lady from the capital of Norway, arriving with a pink tee-pee at Karlsöya this year.
She has a real cool Youtube channel where she is channeling expressions,. as is into media stuff, such as video-art and documentary visuals portraying controversial subjects and issues in dialogue with contemporary art.

Check it out:

In the picture together with Zelda in 2012 at the Karlsöyfestival <3

This pictures is a detail from one outdoor installation Anita made at Karlsöya.  The dead tree was spray-painted and bones were hung all around in it,.
Title "I miss you"
It was telling the story of the many artist who dies or get beaten up while running away from law/ trains, usually graffiti painters.
The work was part of the Landart project STÖY! (2012) and presented at the Art-Walk of the Karlsöyfestival.

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