torsdag 26 juni 2014


Today we hope to start our drive towards Tromsö. Visums have arrived and Zelda has one too now. All good

onsdag 25 juni 2014


Our youngest crew member was denied cultural visa to enter Russia.
Let´s see what happens next... The photo was shot a few weeks ago, and she can be seen together with Nils-Joakim in Tromsö, Bukta, after a long day of project meetings.

Åge & NIls-Joakim

Nils-Joakim Dovvre Bakken and Åge Bakken, Father and son.

As can be seen in the picture they both enjoy nature and adventures.
They have engineering skill none of the rest of us can imagine, as this is what they do in life, they are engineers.
In this project they keep a low profile, doing the cool stuff, which is: representing the Island of Karlsöya itself, the community and festival at Taibola.

In the picture they are in their natural habitat, at home, at Karlsöya!

Katri Konttinen

Katri Konttinen

Excited to present our Kalevala-lady with Karelian roots and Russian connections.
Young designer and artist, newly graduated and fallen in love with a Kuhmolainen...say no more.
She will experience Karlsöya for the first time, but she has already been in Russian many times, so she will do some talking there when needed!

See her personal page at

I am fascinated by the northern environments: by the inspiration and possibilities it brings! In design and art, I believe the way to approach them is through people. As we create the settings for art and design to take place. 

Picture was taken at her graduation party in Kemi, and that drink is 
"lumikentän kutsu" translates into : The calling from the snowy hills, with trees on"  It contains cloudberry liquor and cream among other ingredients. 

Here you go, the whole recipe: 

 2  cl              Cloudberry liquor

  • 2 cl Parfait Amour
  • 2 cl Ananasjuice
  • 2 cl     cream
  • Muscot nuts roasted 


Stig Olav Tony Fredriksson

Stig Olav Tony 

Many people, mainly women are looking forward to Tonys yearly arrival to Karlsöyfestival...he has a long experience of this as he now even can´t recall when he was there for the first time. 

Stig Olav Tony Fredrikson (born 1979) is painter and graffiti artist from Sweden.

In Sandviken, the young Stig Olav expressed expressed himself through graffiti art and as an activist and singer of a hardcore/punk band. Ever since he has been involved with politically controversial issues concerning society, which can be traced through his artworks. In 2002 he moved to Oslo, lived in occupied house and made graffiti and street art. He had his debut exhibition in 2010. He moved to Rovaniemi with his family in 2012. He has a studio in an artists' collective in Rovaniemi. He has had solo exhibitions in Finland, Sweden and Norway and has participated in joint exhibitions and art projects in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Poland and Russia.

picture was taken last summer when he felt the sun on his skin in Rovaniemi

Check out his homepage at :
for more works

In 2012, Stig Olav Tony painted the festival bus that were shipping festivalgoers from Tromsö city to the Hansnes harbor- ferry.
By the wheel Nils K, from Karlsöya can be seen, as he was present as support through the midnigthsunhours it took to paint.

Sofia Waara

I run this blog so blame me if there is some spelling mistakes. :P
I enjoy making blogs here is another one I made:

Anita Hillestad

Anita Hillestad

Multi talented lady from the capital of Norway, arriving with a pink tee-pee at Karlsöya this year.
She has a real cool Youtube channel where she is channeling expressions,. as is into media stuff, such as video-art and documentary visuals portraying controversial subjects and issues in dialogue with contemporary art.

Check it out:

In the picture together with Zelda in 2012 at the Karlsöyfestival <3

This pictures is a detail from one outdoor installation Anita made at Karlsöya.  The dead tree was spray-painted and bones were hung all around in it,.
Title "I miss you"
It was telling the story of the many artist who dies or get beaten up while running away from law/ trains, usually graffiti painters.
The work was part of the Landart project STÖY! (2012) and presented at the Art-Walk of the Karlsöyfestival.

Inari Virmakoski

We are happy to be working together with Inari Virmakoski again at Karlsöya!!
Performance artist based in Helsinki Finland.

Photo taken by Anita Hillestad. 2012 at Karlsöya

Below is a text taken from

Inari is visual artist concentrating in performance and action art. She has been performing since 15 years in Asia China & Indonesia, Africa Mosambique,Europe Italy & poland, Cuba Havanna, Russia ST Petersburg & Baltic countries. She is interested in Public Art Interventions & her Performance “Follow me” in Helsinki 2008 was involving 12 people. She also participated in “ Reindeer safari” a project which won the Environmental Art Prise of 2011. Reindeer safari moved in the suburb of Helsinki. The participants had studied the habits of reindeers and moved and rested like herding reindeers. Inari  had Retrospektive Exhibition in November 2011 In Helsinki.  She presented her performance art practice with video- and photodocuments and organised performance event with ten guest artists. Also Videodocuments from her international artist friends were shown during the exhibition in screening event.
During my art studies performance became the possible art form for me. I had life-experience and I wanted to use it. My inspiration comes from my nomadic moving life and Africa years ( 8 years alltogether). I enjoy being part of international performance art world.