torsdag 21 augusti 2014

1st Day at Taibola

We went to explore the wilderness on this sand river island, in the middle an old growth pine forest stood, surrounded by willow and finally just sand until the river shore.

Above: Katri picking up dead branches for sculpting/building material.
below: some of the structures already in the making: a cinema tent.

The amazing library/ relax hobbit house was one of the most popular

For the children they build a ship...

Our project was put far out on the sand

A transparent Lavvu

Yurt from Kazakhstan

The boat went out of gas, and we had to row ashore,.it was chilly, windy and rainy. On the island were no houses, only a yurt! We were offered hot ginger tea and taken inside the Yurt, by Olga from Moscow, and inside the yurt was a tree with pretzels hanging + fire, sand. We felt at home.

Traveling to The Island...

Honey Bread

Very tasty!

Open Air Architecture Museum visit

While Tony was painting graffitty in some desolated factory area, the rest of us went to the local open air architectural museum. There we saw original 1500-s buildings from the area, as the pictures reveals they timbered churches and bell towers in those days, very interesting. Also smart solutions like devices designed to grind flower we noticed, and thought could be good for the future self-sustaining community on Karlsöya. We also found a very interesting swing set... not sure how old it dated back to, but perhaps we could build one of these at Karlsöy? Fun for everyone, russian style!

Above: very old Bell-tower, dating back to the 1500s
below: small chapel

Below: very huge church

below: when using this treetrunk correctly, you can grind wheat and make flower, how about that! 

Soviet Bus Stop

So, we felt very happy to IRL see one of the famous Soviet Bus Stops!! If you are unfamiliar with this phenomena check it out! on internet, for example this site:  Here is what we found anyways:

That bus is so cool, I want one!

Visiting the Craft Center in Archangelsk

Our guide led us into some working studios of local arts and crafts people. There we could rest our legs for a while and watch traditional local techniques. Some of the practicing craft makers were also representing at the Taibola festival, where they were exhibiting their masterpieces. The lady had been to Haparanda and Luleå, as she had been long involved with exchange-art and crafts projects in the north of Scandinavia. Little Zelda was given a clay-bird-flute to her excitement. After the visit the skies cleared up and temperature was warm. We were happy to have been invited and thought it could be cool if some russian craftsmen/ women came along to Karlsöyfestival one day!

Walking in Archangelsk!

First nigth/ we spent in the city of Archangelsk. Our group had been assigned a special guide, Maxim,  who showed us around and explained both historical and contemporary phenomena that we encountered on our visit. First day was spent in town, and here are some photos from that day.

Above: Happy to having survived the flight.
Below: Zelda reacting to commercial banner promoting child-weddings. 

Above: Lenin square and the house of the politicians


The White Sea, lots of scribbles on the walls kept Tony busy.

Contemporary expression

Karlsöyfestival-poster-2014 russian alternative?

Two houses next to each other, one old one renovated...